The Language English

نوری به روی زمین فرود آمد
دو جاپا  بر شن‌های بیابان دیدم.
از کجا آمده بود؟
به کجا می رفت؟
تنها دو جاپا دیده می شد.
شاید خطایی پا به زمین نهاده بود.
ناگهان جاپاها براه افتادند.
روشنی همراهشان می‌خزید.
جاپاها گم شدند،

خود را از روبرو تماشا کردم:
گودالی از مرگ پر شده بود.
و من در مرده خود براه افتادم.
صدای پایم را از راه دوری می‌شنیدم،
شاید از بیابانی می‌گذشتم.
انتظاری گمشده با من بود.
ناگهان نوری در مرده‌ام فرود آمد
و من در اضطرابی زنده شدم:
دو جاپا هستی‌ام را پر کرد.
از کجا آمده بود؟
به کجا می‌رفت؟
تنها دو جاپا دیده می‌شد.
شاید خطایی پا به زمین نهاده بود. 



A light descended on earth
I saw two footprints in the desert sands.
Wherefrom had it come?
And where was it going?
Only two footprints were visible,
Maybe somebody had stopped on the ground by mistake.
Suddenly the footprints started moving,
Light followed the footprints,
The footprints were lost.
I watched myself from the opposite direction:
A cavity was filled by death
And I started to move in my dead corpse,
I could hear the sound of my footsteps from distance,
Maybe I was passing a desert.
I was imbued with a lost expectation.
Suddenly a light fell on my dead body
And I resurrected with anxiety:
Two footprints filled my existence.
Wherefrom had it come?
Where was it going?
Only two footprints were visible
Maybe somebody had stopped on the ground by mistake.

ارسال شده در توسط NADER

One Last Beat

I sit here all alone
afraid of what is going on around me,
I thought you were the one!
I thought u loved me,
My eyes are shut,
My ears are covered,
And yet my heart still bleeds for u,
And my brain still yearns for you

You are my drug,
I’m an addict to you,
My drugs have turned against me,
My life is over!

People say theirs still hope for me,
People stop mentioning his name
just so I can start forgetting what happened,
But that’s the exact thing that is making me worst.

I’m sitting in the corner of a white room,
I have a marker,
I choose to write his name
over and over again,
And yet something is missing,
The whole room is lit up with his name...
from wall to wall,
As I open my veins up
they splatter the truth over and over again,
It is complete!
And yet I never will be.

I see one of his friends,
They wave,
I cry,
As reality hits me hard,
he comes over and gives his sorrows,
As I collapse from reality jumping out at me,
SURREAL, SERIAL is the only real word replaying like an obsession in my mind.

I sit here all alone
afraid of what is happening all around me,
I thought u loved me enough to live,
You took your life
and left me in this cruel world,
Alone, Scared and Afraid...

As my life collapses in front of me,
People smile as they say they know...
they know what I’m going through,
But they can never truly understand what I’m going through,
I never said good bye...
I never truly said good bye!

As the thought of death ruins through my body,
I reach for deaths tool,
As I slowly force it into my warm pale skin,

Blood comes pouring out,
A piecing scream is let out
into this harsh atmosphere,

People come running,
Yet its too late,
I whisper into their ears,
"Let me go"

As I grasp for air one last time,
My eyes begin chrysies,
I become weak,
And true happiness hits me hard
As I hear his name ...

My eyes are shut,
My ears are covered,
My blood has stop flowing,
My heart, stops, with One, Last, Beat!

ارسال شده در توسط NADER